College Cost Savings
Atlantic Technical College is pleased to announce a valuable resource for high school students and their families, highlighting the significant cost savings associated with earning industry certifications that articulate for postsecondary credit.
In accordance with Section 1003.02 (1)(j), Florida Statutes, which mandates that school districts inform parents of the financial benefits of these certifications, we are providing a comprehensive spreadsheet detailing eligible certifications, their corresponding college credit articulation, and the estimated tuition and fee savings.
This resource empowers parents and students to make informed decisions about their educational pathways. By earning industry certifications while in high school, students can gain valuable skills, enter the workforce sooner, and substantially reduce the cost of their future college education.
The attached spreadsheet provides:
- A list of industry certifications eligible for articulation.
- The corresponding postsecondary programs to which students can articulate.
- The number of college credits awarded for each certification.
- The calculated college savings associated with each certification.
Furthermore, students and parents are encouraged to explore the multitude of additional industry certifications available to them, expanding their opportunities for career advancement and further education.
Atlantic Technical College is committed to providing students with pathways to success. We believe that this resource will help families understand the immense value of technical education and the financial advantages of earning industry certifications.
For more information, please contact Rebecca Miller, 754-321-5305 or