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Get started today.

Seize your chance for more earning power and professional achievement. Get a quality education at an affordable price. When you’re ready for Graduation, we provide placement assistance to land that important first job.

Admissions & Registration

Step 1. Attend an ATC Program Information Session:

  • Click Here to register for an ATC Program Information Session.

Step 2. Reply to Follow Up Email:

  • Get on program list
  • Determine basic skills exemption eligibility or prepare for testing
  • Register for testing
  • Contact Disability Services Advisor for accommodations
  • Respond to Counselor when contacted to register
  • Provide proof of Florida residency
  • Complete online registration application

Step 3. Secure Funding Source:

  • Apply for financial aid (FAFSA online application)
  • Contact local agencies for financial assistance
  • Apply for scholarships
  • Contact Veteran’s official
  • Contact Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Step 4. Registration, Payment and Enrollment:

  • Process financial aid at ATC
  • Pay for classes
  • Receive schedule

Office of Student Affairs Hours
ATC Main Campus
Building 10

Monday – Thursday:  7:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday: 7:00 am to 4:00 pm

Office of Student Affairs Hours
Arthur Ashe, Jr. Campus
Building 2 – Career Assessment Center
Monday – Friday:  7:30 am – 4:00 pm

Tuition & Fees

Tuition is set by the State of Florida. Applicants must provide documentation showing 12 consecutive months of Florida residency to be eligible for in-state tuition rates. Tuition for out-of-state students is calculated at a higher rate. Registration, activity, supply and insurance fees are included in the calculation of total program costs.

Method of Payment

Registration fees and tuition fees may be paid by cash, credit card, or local checks. If fees paid by check are refunded, the applicant must wait at least ten (10) days for processing the refund. The College is not permitted to cash personal checks or accept checks under $25. We also accept Florida Prepaid College Plans and Bright Futures Scholarships.

Enrollment and payment of tuition at this institution could affect your federal income tax return, and in some cases, INCREASE your refund. For this to occur, we must have your social security number at the time of registration to enter you into our secure student database.

Refund Policy

 (SBBC Policy #6607)

1. All refunds shall be accounted for and audit trails maintained in accordance with Business Practice Bulletins issued by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.

2. Students who appear at the school in person and voluntarily withdraw within five (5) school days of the beginning of a term shall be entitled to a full refund of tuition, student activity fee, fee-supported cost recovery, and lab/supply fees. Registration fees and Health Science Education fees are non-refundable. Five (5) school days shall not apply to courses less than three (3) weeks or ninety (90) hours in duration. In such cases, the request for withdrawal must be made prior to the course meeting more than one-third (1/3) of its assigned hours. Retention of fees collected in advance for a student who does not enter class shall not exceed $100. Refunds will be made within forty-five (45) days of the date on which the student voluntarily withdraws.

3. Students involuntarily withdrawn pursuant to the Adult Student Conduct and Discipline Code are not entitled to a refund of any fees.

4. Students who pay fees but are entitled to a waiver, voucher or agency payment (refer to SBBC Policy #6606) shall be entitled to a refund of fees only if required evidences are presented to the school/college principal or his/her designee within fifteen (15) school days of the beginning of a term.

5. In the case of unusual or extraordinary circumstances (such as illness, death in family, etc.) that preclude a student’s enrollment, the school principal or his/her designee may honor a request for full or partial refund of fees providing that: (1) the request is made in writing prior to the date that the course would have normally ended, (2) supporting evidence (where appropriate) is provided. If said refund results in a failure to satisfy state fee requirements, the student shall not be reported for membership during the Workforce Education Fund survey period in the course for which the refund is given.

6. Students who feel they have been treated unfairly in the application of this policy or its rules may appeal using the student grievance procedure as presented Student Conduct and Discipline Code.

7. Refunds, when due, will be made without requiring a request from a student.

8. Refunds, when due, will be made within forty-five (45) days:(1) of the last day of attendance if written notification of withdrawal has been provided to the school/college by the student, or (2) from the date the school/college withdraws the student or determines withdrawal by the student.

9. A student is entitled to a full refund of fees if a course is cancelled by the school/college principal/director or his/her designee, provided however, that the student was not reported in membership during the Workforce Education Fund survey period in which the class was counted. If so, only those fees in excess of the state requirement shall be refunded.

10. Miscellaneous items purchased from the school bookstore (textbooks, uniforms, etc.) may be returned for a full refund provided that the customer supplies a sales receipt, the items are unused, in the original packaging and currently being used in the instructional program.

Students who feel they have been treated unfairly in the application of this policy or its rules may appeal using the student grievance procedure as presented in the Adult Student Conduct and Discipline Code.

Refunds, when due, will be made without requiring a request from a student.

Refunds, when due, will be made within forty-five (45) days: (1) of the last day of attendance if written notification of withdrawal has been provided to the school/college by the student, or (2) from the date the school/college withdraws the student or determines withdrawal by the student.

A student is entitled to a full refund of fees if a course is canceled by the school/college principal or his/her designee, provided however, that the student was not reported in membership during the Workforce Education Fund survey period in which the class was counted. If so, only those fees in excess of the state requirement shall be refunded.

Miscellaneous items purchased from the school bookstores (textbooks, uniforms, etc.) may be returned for a full refund provided that the items are unused, in the original packaging and currently being used in the instructional program.

Students who are receiving Title IV (Pell Grant) funds and withdraw from their program will receive a refund based on the Federal post-withdrawal calculation formula. For additional information, please visit the Student Financial Services office in the Office of Student Affairs: Hours; Monday and Wednesday – 7:30 am – 4:00 pm; Tuesday and Thursday – 7:30 am – 6:00 pm; Friday’s by appointment only.