Class of 2021 Graduation Information
As the COVID-19 pandemic has altered graduation ceremony plans, Atlantic Technical College and Broward County Public Schools is happy to offer a modified in-person graduation ceremony this year. We truly hope you will join us in celebrating your hard work, dedication and achievements. Your in-person ceremony will take place on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., located at Dillard High School- Herman Pittman Gymnasium. We look forward to providing a ceremony that will be safe and memorable for all.
Please check this site periodically for updates; all things related to the ceremony will be released here. We look forward to celebrating this special day with you and we could not be prouder to call you an Atlantic Technical College graduate. #ATCGrads2021 #BCPS2021Grads
Tickets Are Here!
Tickets for graduation have finally arrived and are ready for pick-up. Tickets are available starting Tuesday, June 1st through Friday, June 4th and on the day of the ceremony, Monday, June 7th. Here are the times and locations:
- June 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 – ATC Bookstore Main Campus – 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- June 1, 2, 3 – Administration Building Main Campus – 3:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
If you are an Arthur Ashe Campus student, you may pick up your tickets from the Welcome Center at Ashe:
- June 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 – 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
We can’t wait to celebrate this special occasion with you!
Graduation Ceremony
Please join ATC in celebrating our graduates on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Everyone’s safety is our priority. Due to social distancing protocols, space is limited to 290 graduates and their 2 guests only, please purchase your cap and gown starting, May 5 to ensure your spot.
Dillard High School
Herman Pittman Gymnasium
2501 NW 11th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Frequently Asked Questions
How much is my cap and gown and where can I purchase it?
In order to participate you must purchase a cap and gown from the ATC bookstore, starting May 5. The current hours of operation for the ATC bookstore is Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (closed 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. for lunch). The price for the cap and gown, which includes the tassel, is $35.00 (tax included). Please return your completed Response Card to Tara Kinlaw in the Main Campus Bookstore on order to purchase your cap and gown and receive your two (2) guest tickets. The last day to purchase is Thursday, May 27.
What is the graduate dress code for the ceremony?
– Suggested attire for men: dress shirt, slacks, tie, dark shoes and dark color socks.
– Suggested attire for women: dress or dress slacks and shoes that are safe for stairs.
– No jeans or sneakers please.
What time should graduates arrive, where do I enter the Dillard High School Gymnasium?
Graduates should be at the gymnasium no later than 6:15 p.m. Once you arrive please report to the courtyard area behind the gymnasium, see yellow start on map. Here you will find signage identifying your assigned seat on the ceremony floor. The courtyard is only for students. If you have trouble locating the courtyard or identifying your assigned seat look for an ATC employee (identified by graduation badge) and ask for assistance. On your assigned seat you will find a ceremony program and your RSVP card which you will hand to the announcer as you walk across the stage.
What should graduates bring to the ceremony?
Please have your gown and cap on when you arrive. Do not forget your ATC medallion and honor cord if applicable. Do not bring personal belongings to the ceremony. There will be no place to leave your items when you walk across the stage and the venue is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Where do my guest and I park when attending the ceremony at Dillard High School- Herman Pittman Gymnasium?
We are happy to share that parking is FREE for all. There will be signage directing you to the designated parking areas. However you should download this parking map and share with your guest. As you will see on the map students and guests should park in the P2 and P4 areas.
Can I purchase a 2021 keepsake Tassel?
Yes. You can purchase a tassel by going to the BCPS ATC e-store at: https://osp.osmsinc.com/BrowardFL/BVModules/CategoryTemplates/Detailed%20List%20with%20Properties/Category.aspx?categoryid=B2221. The price is $6.50 and includes sales tax and shipping. Are you having problems making your estore purchase? Follow these directions here. Contact Tara Kinlaw for assistance at: tara.kinlaw@browardschools.com.
Can I get additional guest tickets for the ceremony?
Due to social distancing protocols and district requirements, each graduate will receive two (2) tickets only. All tickets have a barcode and will be scanned at the entry door. We apologize, but we cannot offer additional tickets for the ceremony for ANY reason. EVERYONE (including infants and children) will require a ticket to enter. If a guest exits the gymnasium, they will not be permitted to re-enter. Guest seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. For everyone’s safety, a face mask and social distancing will be required for all guests and graduates. Also, remember guests can view the ceremony on-the-go or from the comfort of their home through a live stream. Please visit this website prior to the ceremony to access the link. https://www.becon.tv/2021-atlantic-technical-college-graduation
Are there seating arrangements for guest with tickets?
Graduates will receive their two (2) guest tickets when they purchase their cap and gown from the bookstore. All tickets have a barcode and will be scanned at the entry door. Each ticket will allow for six (6) feet of social distancing between guests. Baby strollers are not allowed. Remember, if a guest exits the gymnasium, they will not be permitted to re-enter. Guest tickets will be distributed on a first-come first-served basis for graduates that purchase their cap and gown.
Will CDC COVID-19 guidelines be followed at the ceremony?
Yes. Everyone’s safety is a priority! Everyone is required to wear a cloth face covering and practice social distancing from others. Also remember to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer as needed.
Will there be a security check at the door of the gymnasium?
Yes. Please inform your guest to come early to allow for time to go through the security check and to take their assigned seats. Please know the security check will include a bag check so clear bags are recommended, and bags can NOT be larger than 8” X 11”.
Can guests bring balloons or noise makers?
Balloons and noise makers of any kind are not permitted. If you bring these items, you will be asked to take them back to your car during the security check.
Will the ceremony be streamed live?
Guests can view the 7:00 p.m. ceremony on-the-go or from the comfort of their home through a live stream by clicking the following link: https://www.becon.tv/2021-atlantic-technical-college-graduation
How do I purchase my graduation photo?
To purchase your graduation photo you can simply contact GradImages’ Customer Service Department at (800) 261-2576, visit their website at www.gradimages.com, or email ecc.giservice@gradimages.net.
When and how can I pick up my Certificate/Diploma?
CTE Certificates/Diplomas will be processed after completion of your program. You will be contacted on how the pickup process will be conducted. When you pick up the certificates/diploma it will also include your ATC portfolio materials.
I hear there will be a cap decoration contest, is it true?
Yes, we encourage you to decorate a DIY cap of a virtual cap, take a picture or send it electronically. All pictures/files should be sent to Rhonda Biazar at: rhonda.biazar@browardschools.com by 11:59 on May 27, 2021 to enter the contest.
Department Contacts
Automotive and Industrial Trades Departments | Jessica | 754-321-5128 or jessica.lees@browardschools.com |
Business and IT Departments | Samantha | 754-321-5143 or samanthaj.cattell@browardschools.com |
Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality | Sandy | 754-321-5158 or sandra.ondo@browardschools.com |
Health Science Department | Sandy | 754-321-5158 or sandra.ondo@browardschools.com |
GED Department | Sherron | 754-321-5218 or sherron.stricklin@browardschools.com |
Practical Nursing Department | Nadine | 754-322-2837 or nadinet.tomlinson@browardschools.com |