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Machining gedt

Gainful Employment Information Atlantic Technical College Machining Program Level – Undergraduate certificate Program Length – 14 months Cost Q: How much will this program cost me?* A: Tuition and fees: $4,725 Books and supplies: $369 On-campus room &...

Electronic Technology gedt

Gainful Employment Information Atlantic Technical College Electronic Technology Program Level – Undergraduate certificate Program Length – 13 months Cost Q: How much will this program cost me?* A: Tuition and fees: $4,340 Books and supplies: $234 On-campus...

Welding Technology and Advanced Welding Technology gedt

Gainful Employment Information Atlantic Technical College Applied Welding Technologies Program Level – Undergraduate certificate Program Length – 11 months Cost Q: How much will this program cost me?* A: Tuition and fees: $4,157 Books and supplies: $707...

Web Development GEDT

Gainful Employment Information Atlantic Technical College Web Development Program Level – Undergraduate certificate Program Length – 10 months Cost Q: How much will this program cost me?* A: Tuition and fees: $3,198 Books and supplies: $628 On-campus room...

Network Support Services (Cisco Academy) GEDT

Gainful Employment Information Atlantic Technical College Network Support Services Program Level – Undergraduate certificate Program Length – 10 months Cost Q: How much will this program cost me?* A: Tuition and fees: $3,303 Books and supplies: $89...